Since Kernel Code in PyOpenCl needs to be written only in C, I have written few functions that need to be called inside the Kernel code in PyOpenCL.Where should I store these functions? how to pass a global variable to that function. In PyOpenCl my kernel code looks like this:
program = cl.Program(context, """
__kernel void Kernel_OVERLAP_BETWEEN_N_IP_GPU(__constant int *FBNs_array,__local int *Binary_IP, __local int *cc,__global const int *olp)
function1(int *x, int *y,__global const int *olp);
Where should I write and store the function1 function. should I define it in kernel itself, or in some other file and provide a path. If i need to define it at some other place and provide a path, please provide me some details , I am completely new to C. Thanks
program = cl.Program(context, """
void function1(int x, int *y,__global const int *cc)
__kernel void kernel_name(__global const int *cc)
int x=1;
int y[1]={10};
function1(x,y,cc); //now x=10