zipkin is a tool for tracing request as well as tracking the span of time a service took to process the request useful in multi-service projects it doesnt require much effort for setting up u just have to add zipkin dependency in your services and define a sampler bean.
add the following dependency in project
compile group: '', name: 'spring-cloud-starter-zipkin', version: '1.3.2.RELEASE'
add sampler bean inside ur project
` @Value("${spring.sleuth.sampler.percentage}")
String percentage;
public PercentageBasedSampler defaultSampler() {
SamplerProperties configuration= new SamplerProperties();
return new PercentageBasedSampler(configuration);
add above bean when u want only fraction of ur requests traces to send to zipkin else define a bean
` @Bean
public AlwaysSampler defaultSampler() { return new AlwaysSampler();
in ur properties file and host the zipkin server on the same port defined above.
but if u r using api-gateway for accessing zipkin (in case of deplyment in cloud ) or inside proxy u may face the issue of broken ui elements when accessing thru gateway in this case im using zuul with propertis as:
the simplest solution i have found for solving broken ui for zipkin thru gateway is by changing following property of zipkin-server-shared.yml file inside zipkin server
base-path: /zipkin
change above property to
base-path: /api/tracing/zipkin
and change ur zuul path to following
and than access zipkin using follwing url
give attention to small details in config and dont forget to put trailing "/" after zipkin in url