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Azure ML workbench failed installing on Windows 10 Enterprise

Error installing component: "The action failed catastrophically with

Microsoft.MachineLearning.Installer.Engine.Actions.RegisteredActions.AzureCliException: Unable to get list of currently installed Azure CLI extensions


Microsoft.MachineLearning.Installer.Engine.Actions.RegisteredActions.InstallAzureCliExtensionAction.d__23.MoveNext() in C:\swarm\workspace\Installer-1.2\Installer.Engine\Actions\RegisteredActions\InstallAzureCliExtensionAction.cs:line 97

from there everything is stops....


  • Workbench is a preview product and issues may occur. Please try and get a newer exe and try again. It also seems like you have azure powershell issues here which I would have expected to be taken care of by the installer, but perhaps you can try and install azure powershell first.