I am trying to dynamically set the class of my image in my template depending on which image is clicked. I have used this precisely as shown in the past and it worked then but is not working in this case.
Template code to choose image:
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<a (click)="setImageColor('Black')">
<img class="img-fluid" [ngClass]="blackImgClass" src="assets/img/product black.jpg">
<a (click)="setImageColor('Stainless Steel')">
<img class="img-fluid m-l-pt5" [ngClass]="stainlessImgClass" src="assets/img/product stainless steel.jpg">
<a (click)="setImageColor('White')">
<img class="img-fluid m-l-pt5" [ngClass]="whiteImgClass" src="assets/img/product white.jpg">
Component method to set class:
private setImageColor(color:string) {
switch(color) {
case 'Black':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.black;
this.blackImgClass = 'border: 4px solid #f96302 !important'
this.whiteImgClass = '';
this.stainlessImgClass = '';
case 'Stainless Steel':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.stainless;
this.blackImgClass = ''
this.whiteImgClass = '';
this.stainlessImgClass = 'border: 4px solid #f96302 !important';
case 'White':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.white;
this.blackImgClass = ''
this.whiteImgClass = 'border: 4px solid #f96302 !important';
this.stainlessImgClass = '';
this.currentImage = this.currentProductImage[0];
this.selectionColor = color;
// this.setCSSClass(color);
you can't use it that way instead put your css inside style.css and try this
<div class="col">
<a (click)="setImageColor('Black')">
<img class="img-fluid" [ngClass]="{'blackImgClass' : isBlack}" src="assets/img/product black.jpg">
<a (click)="setImageColor('Stainless Steel')">
<img class="img-fluid m-l-pt5" [ngClass]="{'stainlessImgClass' : isSteel}" src="assets/img/product stainless steel.jpg">
<a (click)="setImageColor('White')">
<img class="img-fluid m-l-pt5" [ngClass]="{'whiteImgClass' : isWhite}" src="assets/img/product white.jpg">
switch(color) {
case 'Black':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.black;
this.isBlack= true
this.isSteel= false;
this.isWhite= false;
case 'Stainless Steel':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.stainless;
this.isBlack= false
this.isSteel= true;
this.isWhite= false;
case 'White':
this.currentProductImage = this.product.images.white;
this.isBlack= false
this.isSteel= false;
this.isWhite= true;
and your style.css
.stainlessImgClass {
border: 4px solid #f96302 !important;
border: 4px solid #f96302 !important;
border: 4px solid #f96302 !important;