Taking the very straightforward proof of "the sum of two naturals is odd if one of them is even and the other odd":
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
Definition even (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k.
Definition odd (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k + 1.
Lemma sum_odd_even : forall n m, odd (n + m) -> odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m.
intros n. intros m. left.
destruct H. firstorder.
The state at the end of this block of code is:
2 subgoals
n, m, x : nat
H : n + m = 2 * x + 1
odd n
even m
To my understanding, it is telling me that I need to prove to it that I have an odd number n and an even number m through the hypothesis? Even though I have already stated than n is odd and m is even? How do I proceed from here?
After a bit of fidgeting around (in light of the comments), I guess I would have to do something like this?
Lemma even_or_odd: forall (n: nat), even n \/ odd n.
induction n as [|n IHn].
(* Base Case *)
left. unfold even. exists 0. firstorder.
(* step case *)
destruct IHn as [IHeven | IHodd].
right. unfold even in IHeven. destruct IHeven as [k Heq].
unfold odd. exists k. firstorder.
left. unfold odd in IHodd. destruct IHodd as [k Heq].
unfold even. exists (k + 1). firstorder.
Which means that now:
Lemma sum_odd : forall n m, odd (n + m) -> odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m.
intros n. intros m. left. destruct H. firstorder.
pose proof (even_or_odd n). pose proof (even_or_odd m).
2 subgoals
n, m, x : nat
H : n + m = 2 * x + 1
H0 : even n \/ odd n
H1 : even m \/ odd m
odd n
even m
Intuitively, all that I have done is saying that every number is either even or odd. Now I have to tell coq that my odd and even numbers are indeed odd and even (I guess?).
As an aside, the problem is solvable with just firstorder:
Lemma sum_odd : forall n m, odd (n + m) -> odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m.
intros n. intros m. firstorder.
pose proof (even_or_odd n). pose proof (even_or_odd m).
destruct H0 as [Even_n | Odd_n]. destruct H1 as [Even_m | Odd_m].
exfalso. firstorder.
right. auto.
destruct H1. left. auto.
exfalso. firstorder.
Your use of left
is still incorrect and keeps you from completing the proof. You apply it to the following goal:
odd (n + m) -> odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m
and it gives:
H : odd (n + m)
odd n /\ even m
You are committing to proving that if n + m
is odd, then n
is odd and m
is even. But this is not true: n
might be odd and m
might be even. Only apply left
or right
once you have enough information in the context to be sure which one you want to prove.
So let's restart without left
Lemma sum_odd : forall n m, odd (n + m) -> odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m.
intros n. intros m. firstorder.
pose proof (even_or_odd n). pose proof (even_or_odd m).
At this point we are at:
H : n + m = 2 * x + 1
H0 : even n \/ odd n
H1 : even m \/ odd m
odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m
Now you want to prove something from disjunctions. In order to prove something of the form A \/ B -> C
in Coq's constructive logic, you must prove both A -> C
and B -> C
. You do this by case analysis on the A \/ B
(using destruct
or other tactics). In this case we have two disjunctions to decompose:
destruct H0 as [Even_n | Odd_n], H1 as [Even_m | Odd_m].
This gives four cases. I'll show you the first two, the last two are symmetric.
Fist case:
H : n + m = 2 * x + 1
Even_n : even n
Even_m : even m
odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m
The assumptions are contradictory: If both n
and m
are even, then H
cannot hold. We can prove this as follows:
- exfalso. destruct Even_n, Even_m. omega.
(Step through this to understand what happens!) The exfalso
is not really necessary, but it's good documentation that we are doing a proof by showing that the assumptions contradict.
Second case:
H : n + m = 2 * x + 1
Even_n : even n
Odd_m : odd m
odd n /\ even m \/ even n /\ odd m
Now, knowing assumptions that apply in this case, we can commit to the right disjunct. This is why your left
kept you from making progress!
- right.
All that remains to be proved is:
Even_n : even n
Odd_m : odd m
even n /\ odd m
And auto
can handle this.