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Deploying an angular 2+ app into cloud Foundry using Ng serve

I am attempting to deploy an angular app into IBM Cloud - Cloud Foundry using the CF CLI.

It always seems to fail and doing some research it requires a node script for the start command in package.json. Therefore it is failing due to me having a Ng serve command.

Any ideas about getting around this issue?


  • So after having a play I realised that the research that I have done is misleading and I have finally figured it out now. Thought that I would post my findings here to save someone else the trouble:

    • Firstly, unlike doing a ng serve locally, you will need to build the project first i.e npm run-script build. This should give you the dist directory.

    • Secondly I had a slightly invalid manifest.yml. This is a sample of the file that I have used which finally got it to work:

      - name: <App Name>
        path: dist <- This points to the compiled code
        random-route: true

    Hope that this helps someone in the future.