I am newbie to Dependency Injection and had to learn both Spring and Guice recently. The question below may be pretty lame.
Spring lets you create prototype objects with @Scope("prototype") annotation meaning a new object is returned every time
Eg in my spring container:-
A getA(){
return new A();
And a new object A is injected in all references of @autowired.
class B {
A objA;
However, in guice injector, the same instance is being injected. Looks like guice provides only singleton, request or session scopes https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Scopes. My application is not exactly a web service and am wondering how to inject new instances of the object everywhere. I read provider could be used, but couldn't find any lame/easy examples to understand.
How could I inject new instances of A into B or any other class? With Guice, currently I am able to inject only same instance with all classes like below in guice container
bind(A.Class).toInstance(new A());
new B(); // or create with other ways
The desired behavior is the default of guice, so you get a new instance every time, unless you explicitly switch to singleton.
And thats what you do when you bind toInstance. You are telling guice "eyery time someone needs a instance of A, give him this one (the one created via 'new'".
If you just want to get a new A injected whenever you build a B, do not specify any behavior in the module, just let A have a constructor annotated with @Inject.