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How to change the width of tabs in a QPlainTextEdit

When using the QPlaintextEdit in PyQt5, if I press the Tab button on my keyboard I get a tab space which is equal to size of six spaces together. But I want it to be the size of four spaces, so that when I use:


I should get a indentation of a tab space, which is as long as four spaces altogether.

I tried using four spaces instead of a tab space, but things got complex, as code became more lengthy.


  • The width of a tab can be set with setTabStopDistance. This takes a floating-point value, which can be calculated by using the QFontMetricsF class:

    textedit = QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit()
        QtGui.QFontMetricsF(textedit.font()).horizontalAdvance(' ') * 4)

    However, this method was only introduced in Qt-5.10, so for Qt4 and older versions of Qt5, you must use setTabStopWidth (which is now documented as obsolete):

    textedit = QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit()
    textedit.setTabStopWidth(textedit.fontMetrics().width(' ') * 4)

    The big disadvantage of this method is that it only takes integer values. This means that it isn't guaranteed give accurate results with fonts that have non-integer character widths (e.g. the DejaVu fonts and many others).