I want to get the list of alerts in a tabular form like below. I copy the URL's in the alerts and manually prepare such a tabular table myself. However, I need to do this automatically or semi-automatically (at least)
Alert Name URL Scan Type Scan_Name WASCID CWEID
---------- --------------- --------- --------- ----- ------
You can export the report in XML and apply any kind of XSL transform to it that you might like.
You could pull the XML report into Excel (or whatever spreadsheet program) and manipulate it.
You could pull alerts from the web API and have them in XML or json and process them however you like programmatically.
You could write a standalone script (within ZAP) to traverse the Alerts tree and output the details tab delimited in the script console pane. For example:
extAlert = org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control.getSingleton().
extPscan = org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control.getSingleton().
var pf = Java.type("org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.PluginFactory");
if (extAlert != null) {
var Alert = org.parosproxy.paros.core.scanner.Alert;
var alerts = extAlert.getAllAlerts();
for (var i = 0; i < alerts.length; i++) {
var alert = alerts[i]
function printHeaders() {
function printAlert(alert) {
var scanner = '';
// If the session is loaded in ZAP and one of the extensions that provided a plugin for the
// existing alerts is missing (ex. uninstalled) then plugin (below) will be null, and hence scanner will end-up being empty
if (alert.getSource() == Alert.Source.ACTIVE) {
plugin = pf.getLoadedPlugin(alert.getPluginId());
if (plugin != null) {
scanner = plugin.getName();
if (alert.getSource() == Alert.Source.PASSIVE && extPscan != null) {
plugin = extPscan.getPluginPassiveScanner(alert.getPluginId());
if (plugin != null) {
scanner = plugin.getName();
print(alert.getName() + '\t' + alert.getSource() + ':' + scanner + '\t' + alert.getWascId() + '\t' + alert.getCweId());
// For more alert properties see https://static.javadoc.io/org.zaproxy/zap/2.7.0/org/parosproxy/paros/core/scanner/Alert.html
Produces script console output like (note the 2nd, 6th, and 7th rows the specific alert name differs from the general scanner name):
Alert_Name Source:PluginName WASC CWE
Cross Site Scripting (DOM Based) ACTIVE:Cross Site Scripting (DOM Based) 8 79
Non-Storable Content PASSIVE:Content Cacheability 13 524
Content Security Policy (CSP) Header Not Set PASSIVE:Content Security Policy (CSP) Header Not Set 15 16
Server Leaks Version Information via "Server" HTTP Response Header Field PASSIVE:HTTP Server Response Header Scanner 13 200
Server Leaks Information via "X-Powered-By" HTTP Response Header Field(s) PASSIVE:Server Leaks Information via "X-Powered-By" HTTP Response Header Field(s) 13 200
Non-Storable Content PASSIVE:Content Cacheability 13 524
Timestamp Disclosure - Unix PASSIVE:Timestamp Disclosure 13 200
Detailed steps:
(This assumes ZAP is running, and the session you want information for is open/loaded).
1. Goto the scripts tree (behind the Sites Tree) [if you can't see it
click the plus sign near the Sites Tree tab and add "Scripts"].
2. In the Scripts tree right click "Standalone" and select "New Script":
give it a name and select the JavaScript Script Engine ("EcmaScript
: Oracle Nashorn") [no Template is necessary]. Click "Save" on the New
Script dialog.
3. In the new script window (in the request/response area) paste the script
from the answer.
4. Run it (the blue triangle play button above the script
entry pane).
5. The results will display in the output pane below the
6. Copy/paste the output into Excel.