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Monad transformer for Future[Either[Error, Option[User]]]

Consider the signature of retrieveUser where retrieving a non-existent user is not modelled as an error, that is, it is modelled as Future[Right[None]]:

def retrieveUser(email: String): Future[Either[Error, Option[User]]]

Does there exist a monad transformer MT such that we can write

(for {
  user <- MT(retrieveUser(oldEmail))
  _    <- MT(updateUser(user.setEmail(newEmail)))
} {}).run

Using EitherT the best I can do is the following:

EitherT(retrieveUser(oldEmail)).flatMap {
  case Some(user) =>

  case None => 

The problem is that mapping over EitherT(retrieveUser(email)) results in Option[User], instead of unboxed User, which breaks the for-comprehension.


  • I assume that the order of parameters is the same as in EitherT form Scala Cats: an EitherT[F[_], A, B] is essentially just a wrapper around F[Either[A, B]].

    Likewise, OptionT[F, A] is wrapper around F[Option[A]].


    OptionT[EitherT[Future, Error, ?], A]

    is a wrapper around

    EitherT[Future, Error, Option[A]]

    which is in turn a wrapper around

    Future[Either[Error, Option[A]]]


    OptionT[EitherT[Future, Error, ?], User](
      EitherT[Future, Error, Option[User]](retrieveUser(oldEmail))

    should typecheck (with the non/kind-projector), and with -Ypartial-unification the types should also be inferred automatically, so you could try to use


    inside the for-comprehensions.