For a small project of my own, I'm writing a parser that parses event logs from a certain application. Normally I'd have little issue with handling such a thing, but the problem is that strings from these logs do not always have the same parameters. For example, one such string could be:
On another occasion, the string could have a series of parameters, all the way up to 27 of them, the other has 16. Reading through the documentation, there is some logic in the parameters, for example, the 17th Parameters will always hold an integer. While that is good, unfortunately the 17th parameter might be the 7th thing on the string. The only thing that is really constant on every string is the time stamp and the 6th first parameters.
How would I go around parsing strings like these? I'm sorry if my question is a tad unclear, I find it difficult to word my problem.
Ok, followup for my comment up at the top.
If the log's format is "constant" based on the TYPE_OF_EVENT field, you'll just have to do some simple pre-parsing, after which the rest should follow easily.
based on type_of_event, do further analysis
switch (event type) {
case 'a': parse out 'a' event parameters
case 'b': parse out 'b' event parameters
default: log unknown event type for future analysis
and so on.