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how to access items in RecyclerView in fragment from an activity

I have an activity that has a TabLayout(where my Fragments are in) and myFragment has a RecyclerView itself.
I want to show every touched Item's name in a textView in myActicvity.

This is an image that explains my problem.

enter image description here

How should I do that? Thanks for any Help!.


  • You can use Event bus: This library help you to send events from one activity/fragment/view to another. You must just add onclicklistener for item root element, and do something like this: EventBus.getDefault().post(getItemName());. And at your activty add this:

    @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)  
    public void onMessageEvent(String name) {

    And don't forget to register and unregister listener.