namespace TEST.Model.BaseClass
public static class AssemblyHelper
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetLoadableTypes(Assembly assembly)
if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
return assembly.GetTypes();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
return e.Types.Where(t => t != null);
public static Type GetTypeByClassName(Assembly assembly, string className)
if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));
return AssemblyHelper.GetLoadableTypes(assembly).Where(a => a.Name == className).FirstOrDefault();
namespace TEST.ViewModel
public class MainWindowViewModel : BaseViewModel
private DatabaseEntity db;
private ReadOnlyCollection<LeftNavigation> _LeftNavigation;
private DispatcherTimer Timer;
public Assembly Assembly
return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
public ReadOnlyCollection<LeftNavigation> LeftNavigation
if (_LeftNavigation == null)
Messenger.Default.Register<string>(this, CheckMessage);
//MethodInfo methodInfo = AssemblyHelper.GetTypeByClassName(Assembly, "AddValueViewModel").GetMethod("CallMessenger");
//methodInfo.Invoke(AssemblyHelper.GetConstructorByClassName(Assembly, "AddValueViewModel"), null);
db = new DatabaseEntity();
IQueryable<LeftNavigation> ln = new LeftNavigation(db).GetLeftNavigation();
foreach (var o in ln)
o.Command = new BaseCommand(() => OpenOneTab(AssemblyHelper.GetTypeByClassName(Assembly, o.Reference)));
_LeftNavigation = new ReadOnlyCollection<LeftNavigation>(ln.ToList());
return _LeftNavigation;
public MainWindowViewModel() {}
private void CheckMessage(string msg)
if (msg.Contains(","))
List<string> msgList = new List<string>(msg.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None));
//Type typeHelper = null;
//string typeNameHelper = "";
foreach (var m in msgList)
Type type = AssemblyHelper.GetTypeByClassName(Assembly, m);
if (type != null)
base.OpenOneTab(AssemblyHelper.GetTypeByClassName(Assembly, m));
//typeHelper = type;
//typeNameHelper = m;
int value;
if (int.TryParse(m, out value))
//MethodInfo methodInfo = typeHelper.GetMethod("CallMessenger");
//if (methodInfo != null)
// methodInfo.Invoke(AssemblyHelper.GetConstructorByClassName(Assembly, typeNameHelper), null);
} else
base.OpenOneTab(AssemblyHelper.GetTypeByClassName(Assembly, msg));
At MainWindowVireModel.cs in CheckMessage I'm retrieving "AddValueViewModel,2" from CategoriesViewModel.cs and here sending and register works fine. First I open a new tab and then want to send a new message with "2" to AddValueViewModel.cs
namespace TEST.ViewModel.Tab
public class AddValueViewModel : JedenViewModel<CategoryValue>
public AddValueViewModel()
: base()
base.DisplayName = "Add Value";
item = new CategoryValue();
Messenger.Default.Register<string>(this, CheckMessage2);
private int _CategoryId;
public int CategoryId
return _CategoryId;
if (_CategoryId != value)
_CategoryId = value;
OnPropertyChanged(() => _CategoryId);
private void CheckMessage2(string msg)
if (msg.Contains(","))
int value;
if (int.TryParse(msg, out value)) { CategoryId = value; };
public override void Save()
item.CategoryId = CategoryId;
//public void CallMessenger()
// Messenger.Default.Register<string>(this, CheckMessage2);
#endregion Helpers
public void OpenOneTab(Type tabType)
dynamic workspace = Workspaces.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.GetType() == tabType);
if (workspace == null)
workspace = Activator.CreateInstance(tabType);
I'm navigating to AddValueViewModel by button with Command from CategoriesViewModel. When AddValueViewModel tab is opening first time - CheckMessage2 dosent run, but when I close tab and go to AddValueViewModel second time the CheckMessage2 receives the same value as at MainWindowsViewModel - "AddValueViewModel,2"
I tried to use 'Messenger.Default.Unregister(this, CheckMessage); ' and 'Messenger.Reset();' right before sending the value at MainWindowsViewModel but it dosent work
At examples is commented code that was to give me sure that I first call 'register' and then 'send' (invoke method by reflection)
MVVM light is something new to me
Questions: I dont know why at first time I cant receives values at CheckMessage2. At second time if I receives something the data I send is not the data that I expected.
The type of message expected by the view model is of type string
While the type of the message sent is of the type int. So, the view model cannot receive the message.