I encoutered a tricky issue ,In a Nodejs express web app, Express-session middle is not able to persist the reference type object across multiple sessisons while it works for primitive type value.
Say I have have following code block: cachedFunc(reference type) is always undefined across sessions but cachedText(primitive type) holds the value.
I even tried to deeply copy cacheFun ,which still can not be persisted
Thanks for help!
const _ = require("lodash");
const express = require("express");
const sessionMiddleWare = require("express-session");
const app = express();
name: "dzbSessionId",
secret: "keyboard cat",
cookie: { maxAge: 66660000 },
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true
app.get("/exam", (req, res, next) => {
console.info(req.session.cachedText);/*Primitive Types can be persistent */
if (!req.session.cachedFunc/*always undefined here for referenced value*/) {
try {
req.session.cachedFunc = function(){};
/*even the copied one still can't work*/
//req.session.cachedFunc = _.cloneDeep(function(){});
req.session.cachedText += "freeText";
} catch (e) {}
This issue is fixed which results from the fact function is not a valid part of JSON specification so that JSON.parse & JSON.stringify will process it.