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bibtext references not processing in bookdown

I have a bookdown document that cites other documents using a bibtex bibliography file. It appears to no process at all, since the output (both gitbook format and pdf) don't translate the actual citation to a reference. The output always copies the plain text of the citation, not the actual reference, like this:

enter image description here

Here's a minimal reproducing example, which I build using:

Rscript -e 'bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::gitbook")'


title: "test"
site: "bookdown::bookdown_site"
documentclass: book
bibliography: test.bib
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: true
# toc: yes
# toc_depth: 2

# Introduction {#ch:intro}

Conference publication takes the lead role in describing innovative research,
while journals are often delegated to archival purposes [@vrettas15:conferences].

```{r echo=FALSE}


  title =    {Conferences versus journals in computer science},
  author =   {Vrettas, George and Sanderson, Mark},
  journal =  {Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology},
  volume =   66,
  number =   12,
  pages =    {2674--2684},
  year =     2015,
  publisher =    {Wiley Online Library}


rmd_files: [
new_session: no
  split_bib: no


  • It turns out to be due to the too low version of Pandoc. A version 1.19.x or higher should fix the problem.