I want to extract the text of this pdf: https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six/files/1887670/Wochenkarte-KW-15-Neu.pdf
When I extract the text using this code:
def convert_pdf_to_txt(path):
resource_manager = PDFResourceManager()
device = None
with StringIO() as string_writer, open(path, 'rb') as pdf_file:
device = TextConverter(resource_manager, string_writer, codec='utf-8', laparams=LAParams())
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(resource_manager, device)
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(pdf_file, maxpages=1):
pdf_text = string_writer.getvalue()
if device:
return pdf_text
The text corresponds not to the text layout of the pdf. Current Result:
Montag 09.04.2018
Menü 1
Kl. Salat
Menü 2
Kl. Salat
Seelachs-Spinat-Türmchen mit Spinat-
Masalla-Sauce und Reis
Currywurst mit Pommes
Expected Result:
Montag 09.04.2018
Menü 1
Kl. Salat Seelachs-Spinat-Türmchen mit Spinat-Masalla-Sauce und Reis
Menü 2
Kl. Salat Currywurst mit Pommes
What do I do wrong or am I missing something else?
The key is giving another linemargin in LAParams:
My line looks now like this:
device = TextConverter(resource_manager, string_writer, codec='utf-8', laparams=LAParams(line_margin=0.1))
Credits to Tim