I have downloaded a map with Swedish districts as Shape files from an official source. I then used QGIS to convert the data into geojson
and then converted the geojson
to DbGeography
like this:
Map source:
The districts can have two or more areas but are not multipolygon
but polygon
where each area share the same key (code). Using other official sources I have gotten a multipolygon
directly but not from this source. When I save it to my database I would like to do it right and only have the code and name properties once and store it as a multipolygon
. I use Entity Framework to store the information to my database.
How can I concatenate the two or more polygons into a multipolygon?
Example for Stora Hammars distrikt with code 101019
Current code:
/// <summary>
/// GSD means Geografiska Sverigedata and is available via Lantmäteriet in Sweden.
/// </summary>
public class GSDDistrict
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ObjectId { get; set; }
public string ObjectVer { get; set; }
public DateTime ValidFrom { get; set; }
public DbGeography Area { get; set; }
public void AddGsdDistricts()
using (var reader = File.OpenText($"{path}\\GIS\\lantmateriet-gsd-distriktsindelning.geojson"))
var json = reader.ReadToEnd();
var featureCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GeoJSON.Net.Feature.FeatureCollection>(json);
foreach (var feature in featureCollection.Features)
var code = feature.Properties["DISTRKOD"].ToString();
var gsdDistrict = new GSDDistrict();
string geoJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feature.Geometry);
var dbGeography = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DbGeography>(geoJson, new DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter());
gsdDistrict.Area = dbGeography;
gsdDistrict.Area = gsdDistrict.Area.MakePolygonValid();
if (db.GSDDistricts.All(x => x.Code != code))
gsdDistrict.Code = feature.Properties["DISTRKOD"].ToString();
gsdDistrict.Name = feature.Properties["DISTRNAMN"].ToString();
gsdDistrict.ObjectId = feature.Properties["OBJEKT_ID"].ToString();
gsdDistrict.ObjectVer = feature.Properties["OBJEKT_VER"].ToString();
gsdDistrict.ValidFrom = DateTime.ParseExact(feature.Properties["GALLERFRAN"].ToString(), "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//Yes this will be slow but the method will only run once
Program.LogWithGreenConsoleColour($"Added geo data for {gsdDistrict.Name}");
else if (db.GSDDistricts.Any(x => x.Code == code && x.Area.Disjoint(gsdDistrict.Area)))
//Add the other area here
if (db.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
Program.LogWithGreenConsoleColour($"Saved geo data GSD District from Lantmäteriet to database");
The MakePolygonValid()
extension method is to solve ring orientation error due to that SQL Server uses left-handed orientation and almost all sources in Sweden use right-handed orientation. The extension method is described here:
Turns out I did not have to convert it into a multipolygon
at all. The key was DbGeography.Union
else if (db.GSDDistricts.Any(x => x.Code == code && x.Area.Disjoint(gsdDistrict.Area)))
var district = db.GSDDistricts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == code);
Program.LogWithGreenConsoleColour($"Adding another area for {district.Name}");
district.Area = district.Area.Union(gsdDistrict.Area);
Looks like this when loaded into Google Maps, red line instead of teal above.