In a bash script, I have a command using rsync:
#!/usr/bin/bash -e
parallel rsync --exclude '*to?be?deleted*' ...
--files-from some_file /auto $instance_ip:/somewhere_else/
According to rsync's documentation, their --exclude
field has a different style of pattern matching.
When I run this in a bash terminal, it works fine.
However, running this on zsh gives me an error because zsh tries to expand this literal string I'm trying to pass in:
zsh:1: no matches found: *to?be?deleted*
This should not happen. Why is zsh even expanding my globs in my bash script in the first place? Is there some settings on my zsh that I can set to make the two behave the same way? I don't want to develop in zsh and deploy to an environment with bash and have to behave in different ways.
I am using oh-my-zsh's plugins:
Specifically, with this set of commands it fails:
#!/usr/bin/bash -e
find . -name '*filelist' | parallel -j10 rsync --exclude "*to?be?deleted*" testing somewhere_else:/some/where/else
But with rsync's command by itself, it doesn't break.
is starting an instance of your login shell using a string consisting of the arguments it is passed. Your bash
script strips the quotes before passing the argument, so parallel is executing the equivalent of
zsh -c "rsync --exclude *to?be?deleted* testing somewhere_else:/some/where/else"
in which the pattern is not quoted. To prevent this, pass a single string as an argument to parallel
... | parallel -j10 'rsync --exclude "*to?be?deleted*" testing somewhere_else:/some/where/else'