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htmlConverter in itext7 closes the pdf document before I want it to be closed in C#

I'm using iText7 to convert from HTML to PDF which runs perfectly

however this call:

   HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(htmlStream, document);

will close the document after it's called but I don't want to close the document yet for the following reason

I wrote this function to write pages I'll be calling it in a loop

   public static void WritePage(string htmlbody)
        byte[] htmlByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(htmlbody); 
        MemoryStream htmlStream = new MemoryStream(htmlByteArray);       
        HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(htmlStream, document);

and after the loop is over I'll close the document my self

 public static void CloseDocument()

this worked when I was using iText5 but now the convertToPdf will close the document. I can read from that document and add it with the new page to a new document but I don't want to do that I want to utilize the built in document.AddNewPage and after the document is fully constructed I'll close it myself

Thank you in advance


  • answer#1 is using PdfMerger and it is my preferred answer

    public void createPdf(String baseUri, String[] src, String dest) throws IOException { 
    ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties();
    PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(dest);
    PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
    PdfMerger merger = new PdfMerger(pdf);
    for (String html : src) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PdfDocument temp = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(baos));
        HtmlConverter.convertToPdf(new FileInputStream(html), temp, properties);
        temp = new PdfDocument(
            new PdfReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())));
        merger.merge(temp, 1, temp.getNumberOfPages());

    answer#2 is converting the html to IElement List and adding that to the document like in follwoing code:

    public void createPdf(String baseUri, String[] src, String dest) throws IOException { 
    ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties();
    PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(dest);
    PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(writer);
    Document document = new Document(pdf);
    for (String html : src) {
        List<IElement> elements =
            HtmlConverter.convertToElements(new FileInputStream(html), properties);
        for (IElement element : elements) {
