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Baremetal not available in dal10 according to api

An excerpt from call,

"firstOrderStepId": 1,
"id": 50,
"isActive": 1,
"name": "Bare Metal Instance",
"unitSize": 1

Using this id I make call: dal01, dal05, dal06, dal07 and dal09 are returned but dal10 is not. This explains the error I am getting when attempting to verify a BM order in dal10:

The location provided for this order is invalid. (HTTP 200)

If I use the UI I can order bare metals in dal10. Why can I not do this through the api?

Hardware template I am using:

hardwareTpl = datatypes.Hardware{
        Datacenter: &datatypes.Location{Name: sl.String("dal10")},
        Domain: sl.String("xxx"),
        Hostname: sl.String("xxx"),
        HourlyBillingFlag: sl.Bool(false),
        MemoryCapacity: sl.Uint(32),
        OperatingSystemReferenceCode: sl.String("UBUNTU_16_64"),
        PrimaryBackendNetworkComponent: &datatypes.Network_Component{Id: sl.Int(vlanPriId), MaxSpeed: sl.Int(10000)},
        PrimaryNetworkComponent: &datatypes.Network_Component{Id: sl.Int(vlanPubId), MaxSpeed: sl.Int(10000)},
        ProcessorCoreAmount: sl.Uint(4),


  • That is correct, the UI uses other packages to order Bare Metal servers, I recommend to use this request:

    That is gonna return all the packages that the UI displays