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LabVIEW Binary File from Database to .rtf in .Net control

I have one vi where I save a .rtf file to a database like so:

Upload .rtf

Later, I get the file from the database and save it as an .rtf before I open it with another vi (rtf

.rtf save

However, Although rtf will work with files that are not uploaded to the database, it cannot read these files. Opening a file in Notepad++ gets me the following:

Ā؀萀ĀĀ ᄠĀ
�{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b\f0\fs22 Known Issues:\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b0\f1\'b7\tab\f0 VI Displays no error when "Print." is Selected with no printer attached\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Arduino driver does not currently initialize with startup\par \pard\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b Improvement Points:\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b0\f1\'b7\tab\f0 Time numeric constants are listed in numeric format time format\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 Does not support test steps longer than 50 days\b\par \pard\sa160\sl252\slmult1 Change Log:\par \pard\fi-360\li720\sa160\sl252\slmult1\b0\f1\'b7\tab\f0 [Date] Fixed Issue with Results Display - JLS\par \f1\'b7\tab\f0 [Date] Added Arduino Control -JLS\par }

The file does save, however, it's not able to be read by my viewer vi


The issue is on the download side when writing to the binary file, I've been able to eliminate it by formatting the variant as a string before writing. However, that's added a '/00' char after every byte which I eliminate from the string after writing:

Working Code


  • The Real problem here is that the LabVIEW string uploads to the Database as an array of I 32 values so each char is padded. As a result, we need to convert the string into a u8 array for the LabVIEW database upload vi to work correctly as such:

    enter image description here