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Xcode not running on mac os sierra high

I am using MACos on windows platform through VMware and I need Xcode for my next school project so I tried to download it and I downloaded version 9.1 of Xcode from a StackOverflow link and I have mac os high sierra running on my VMware but every time I try to open the Xcode it quits saying 'The operation could not be completed due to IDEdefferenceinItializationonError main error 1', please help me out of this, thanks


  • After some trial and error i finally found a solution that would solve this problem actually I just installed some tools my VMware wanted to have in that guest operation system(Mac OS) and some updates that appstore was showing to me and then I reinstalled the xcode(not to download again, just reinstall it from raw file) and after that all runs pretty good, so anyone facing this kind of situation should make the updates which the machine is asking for wheteher it be for MAC OS or VMware as on virtual machine everything matters... Thanks