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Setting tree fonts on Odoo 8

Can we have more than one condition for fonts in a tree in Odoo 8?

This is my code, but it worked only for the first condition, which is bold:parent_id==False

<field name="mcu_package_line_ids" nolabel='1' widget="one2many_list" domain="[('hide','=', False)]" >
    <tree create="false" delete="false" editable="bottom" fonts="bold:parent_id==False bold:count_childs>0" default_order="sequence asc">
        <field name="display_name" />
        <field name="include" />
        <field name="name" />
        <field name="list_price" readonly="1" />
        <field name="parent_id" invisible="1" />
        <field name="hide" invisible="1" />
        <field name="count_childs" invisible="1" />
        <field name="sequence" invisible="1" />

Any idea for this?


  • Try with and and or operators:

    <tree create="false" delete="false" editable="bottom" fonts="bold:parent_id==False or count_childs>0" default_order="sequence asc">