I would like to move this code to the App\Rule:
//Currently in class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
Validator::extend('empty_if', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
return ($value != '' && request($parameters[0]) != '') ? false : true;
So that it should be this:
//in: App\Rules\EmptyIf
public function passes($attribute, $value, $parameters)
return ($value != '' && request($parameters[0]) != '') ? false : true;
But my problem is, that I cannot pass $parameters with
Validator::extend('empty_if', 'App\Rules\EmptyIf@passes');
How would you pass parameters to Laravel Rule?
If I understand what you need correctly you don't need to extend the validator.
You seem to have class:
class EmptyIf extends Rule {
public function passes($attribute, $value, $parameters) { }
Then you can just use this as:
$this->validate($data, [ "entry" => [ new EmptyIf() ] ]);
You might be able to do both using:
Validator::extend('empty_if', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
return (new EmptyIf())->passes($atribute, $value, $parameters);