I have likert scale data. I want to display them in an easy (for none-R-users) reading way. Important is that it need to be plain text on the console. No graphics or things like the likert
package offers. It not have to be a table()
but it should look like a table - no matter what magic R construct is behind it.
This table is just for a first view when beginning with exploring the dataset.
This is the example data
> set.seed(0)
> lik <- sample(c(0:3, NA), 150, replace=TRUE)
> lik <- factor(lik, levels=0:3, labels=c('no', 'maybe no', 'maybe yes', 'yes'))
> tn <- table(lik, useNA="always")
> tn
no maybe no maybe yes yes <NA>
22 33 34 37 24
I "nice" table could look like this
no maybe no maybe yes yes <NA>
n 24 34 37 29 26
% 36 51 55.5 43.5 39
Please pay attention here on the fact that 37
and 29
are displayed without digits!
If I would use rbind()
here there are digits. See what I tried so far
> tp <- sapply(tn, function(x) { sum(tn) / 100 * x })
> rbind(tn, tp)
no maybe no maybe yes yes <NA>
tn 22 33.0 34 37.0 24
tp 33 49.5 51 55.5 36
A problem with this is, how to set the row names (e.g. tn
-< n
) and how to prevent to printing the numbers in the first row with digits.
I am fully open for suggestion about how likert data could be display nice and easy (in the meaning of: readable for non-R-users e.g. SPSS-users) in plain text.
If I understand your question correctly, I believe that you can use the kable
function from the knitr
package to solve your problem:
tab <- rbind(tn, tp)
rownames(tab) <- c("n", "%")
knitr::kable(tab, digits=0)
This results in the following output
| | no| maybe no| maybe yes| yes| NA|
|n | 22| 33| 34| 37| 24|
|% | 33| 50| 51| 56| 36|
EDIT: sorry I now see that you want to keep the decimals in the second row. Unfortunately kable sets digits column-wise, so this will not help you. What you could do instead is this:
resulting in
| | n| %|
|no | 22| 33.0|
|maybe no | 33| 49.5|
|maybe yes | 34| 51.0|
|yes | 37| 55.5|
|NA | 24| 36.0|
EDIT2: Your percentages do not seem to add up to 100%; I am not sure why that is, but the following would give percentages that add up to 100% in total:
tab <- cbind(tn, tn / sum(tn) * 100)
colnames(tab) <- c("n", "%")
knitr::kable(tab, digits = c(0, 1))
| | n| %|
|no | 22| 14.7|
|maybe no | 33| 22.0|
|maybe yes | 34| 22.7|
|yes | 37| 24.7|
|NA | 24| 16.0|