I am trying to upload a file with a valid token
and scope data:create
and data:write. But I am getting the following error each time.
{"reason":"No write access"}
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" --header "Content-Length: 175577746" -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --header "Expect:" --upload-file "test.nwd" -X PUT https://developer.api.autodesk.com/oss/v2/buckets/mybucket/objects/test.nwd -k
Before uploading the file, I created a bucket which was successful.
Can anyone please let me know if I am missing anything here.
I am able to upload the files, however getting following responce when checking the SVF file conversion job status.
{ "type": "manifest", "hasThumbnail": "false", "status": "failed", "progress": "complete", "region": "US", "urn": "", "version": "1.0", "derivatives": [ { "name": "LMV Bubble", "hasThumbnail": "false", "status": "failed", "progress": "complete", "messages": [ { "type": "error", "message": "Translation failure", "code": "TranslationWorker-InternalFailure" } ], "outputType": "svf" } ] }