I have a hand of cards that moves left or right when a selected card is hovered above them.
everything works fine except when movement is too fast and a card animation is called multiple times without the previous action has finished running.
Im using typescript in cocos creator v1.9.
my script looks like this.
onMoveCard(): void {
var i: number = 0;
// animation to move left or right
var moveRight: cc.ActionInterval = cc.moveBy(0.1, cc.p(DragCard.currentHandSpacing, 0));
var moveLeft: cc.ActionInterval = cc.moveBy(0.1, cc.p(-DragCard.currentHandSpacing, 0));
for (i = 0; i <= Hand.handCards.length - 2; i++) {
// if card moved one spacing to the left, move the previous card to the right
if (this.node.x < DragCard.originalX - (DragCard.currentHandSpacing * (i + 1))
&& this.node.x > DragCard.originalX - (DragCard.currentHandSpacing * (i + 2))) {
if (DragCard.countLeft === i) {
// prevent conditional statement goes out of array bounds
if (DragCard.currentHandIndex - (i + 1) >= 0) {
Hand.handCards[DragCard.currentHandIndex - (i + 1)].runAction(moveRight.clone());
// clone so that each animation is run independently
// if the card moved back to the right, move the next card to the left
if (DragCard.countLeft === (i + 1) && this.node.x > DragCard.originalX - (DragCard.currentHandSpacing * i)) {
Hand.handCards[DragCard.currentHandIndex - (i + 1)].runAction(moveLeft.clone());
I've found a solution that is to make stopAllActions() before the cards get sorted!