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How to generate a checkstyle.xml for Jenkins with stylelint?

I wonder how to generate a checkstyle.xml for Jenkins with stylelint. Searched around the web and sadly found just stylelint-checkstyle-formatter, but only the following "instruction":

Simply read the stylelint documentation about using formatters and follow those instructions.

Sadly again, I found nothing in the documentation...


  • I've finally found a way (with gulp) and want it to share on StackOverflow.

    First install the following dependencies:

    yarn add -D stylelint gulp-stylelint stylelint-checkstyle-formatter stylelint-scss stylelint-config-recommended-scss

    Then use the following gulp task:

    gulp.task("scss-lint", function() {
        const gulpStylelint = require('gulp-stylelint');
        const stylelintCheckstyleFormatter = require('stylelint-checkstyle-formatter');
        return gulp
                reportOutputDir: 'build/reports/scss-checkstyle',
                reporters: [
                    {formatter: 'verbose', console: true},
                    {formatter: stylelintCheckstyleFormatter, save: 'checkstyle.xml'},

    And finally my .stylelint:

        "extends": "stylelint-config-recommended-scss",
        "defaultSeverity": "warning",
        "formatter": "stylelint-checkstyle-formatter",
        "plugins": [
            "rules": {
            "indentation": 4,
                "color-hex-length": null,
                "shorthand-property-no-redundant-values": null,
                "no-missing-end-of-source-newline": null,
                "declaration-empty-line-before": null,
                "at-rule-empty-line-before": null,
                "selector-type-no-unknown": [
                    "ignore": ["custom-elements"],
                    "ignoreTypes": ["tooltip"]