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Make forms fit to every size of screen

I finished developing my first windows forms application in c#, but when running it on a different Computer with a different screen size, the controls are not where they are supposed to be.

I used

this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

to maximize the screen, but when doing this the form is just extended at the bottom and the controls stay at the same position.


  • HI For responsive design 1st create below class

     public class Resolution
            float heightRatio = new float();
            float widthRatio = new float();
            int standardHeight, standardWidth;
            public void ResizeForm(Form objForm, int DesignerHeight, int DesignerWidth)
                standardHeight = DesignerHeight;
                standardWidth = DesignerWidth;
                int presentHeight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;//.Bounds.Height;
                int presentWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
                heightRatio = (float)((float)presentHeight / (float)standardHeight);
                widthRatio = (float)((float)presentWidth / (float)standardWidth);
                objForm.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.None;
                objForm.Scale(new SizeF(widthRatio, heightRatio));
                foreach (Control c in objForm.Controls)
                    if (c.HasChildren)
                        c.Font = new Font(c.Font.FontFamily, c.Font.Size * heightRatio, c.Font.Style, c.Font.Unit, ((byte)(0)));
                objForm.Font = new Font(objForm.Font.FontFamily, objForm.Font.Size * heightRatio, objForm.Font.Style, objForm.Font.Unit, ((byte)(0)));
            private void ResizeControlStore(Control objCtl)
                if (objCtl.HasChildren)
                    foreach (Control cChildren in objCtl.Controls)
                        if (cChildren.HasChildren)
                            cChildren.Font = new Font(cChildren.Font.FontFamily, cChildren.Font.Size * heightRatio, cChildren.Font.Style, cChildren.Font.Unit, ((byte)(0)));
                    objCtl.Font = new Font(objCtl.Font.FontFamily, objCtl.Font.Size * heightRatio, objCtl.Font.Style, objCtl.Font.Unit, ((byte)(0)));
                    objCtl.Font = new Font(objCtl.Font.FontFamily, objCtl.Font.Size * heightRatio, objCtl.Font.Style, objCtl.Font.Unit, ((byte)(0)));

    then when ever yo add any form the add panel control to form and dock it to form below

    Write below code

        this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
        int screenWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
        int screenHeight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
        Resolution objFormResizer = new Resolution();
        objFormResizer.ResizeForm(this, screenHeight, screenWidth); 

    this will make form responsive as much as possible as well as create system default font as well