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Qt Quick Creator (QML) for pyside2/pyqt5 python users

I'm exploring the possibility to use Qt Quick Creator to generate .qml files and load them afterwards in a python project (PyQt5 or PySide2). But when I create a new Qt Quick Application, Qt Creator asks me to select a valid kit, which I dont have because I won't use C++. I dont won't to set up a C++ compiler that I will never use.

What I basically need is an explanaion to start using Qt Quick Creator for pyside2/pyqt5 users.

My understanding of the work flow is to generate .qml files. Once, I have generated files, I guess I will be able to load them in python using these imports:

from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide2.QtQuick import QQuickView
from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl


  • If you want a QML project without using C ++ what you should do is follow the following steps

    └── File New File or Project ...
        └── Other Project
            └── Qt Quick Ui prototype

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