How can I download the content of a webpage and find all files with specific extension listed on it. And then download all of them. For example, I would like to download all netcdf files (with extension *.nc4) from the following webpage:
I was recommended to look into Rcurl package but could not find how to do this.
# Get the context of the page
thepage = readLines('')
# Find the lines that contain the names for netcdf files
nc4.lines <- grep('*.nc4', thepage)
# Subset the original dataset leaving only those lines
thepage <- thepage[nc4.lines]
#extract the file names
str.loc <- str_locate(thepage,'A.*nc4?"')
file.list <- substring(thepage,str.loc[,1], str.loc[,2]-1)
# download all files
for ( ifile in file.list){
destfile=ifile, method="libcurl")