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WordPress archive/taxonomy location

I'm struggling with this, despite being okay at WordPress dev.

I've created a custom post type called links

I've also created a custom taxonomy called link-type

All works fine when using archive.php in the root of the theme.

However I want links to be a child page of resources so: would become

And clicking on a taxonomy term link for example downloads would take you to

I'm aware of has_archive and rewrite and with_front and slug but can't understand how to use these to achieve the aforementioned structure.

As always, expert help is much appreciated.


  • When you register your post type, just add whatever you want to the slug in the rewrite argument, forward slashes are acceptable in slugs.

    $args = array(
        'labels' => $labels,
        'rewrite' => array(
            'slug' => 'resources/links',
            'with_front' => true

    This will give you, even if you have a page already at

    I almost forgot, you'll need to make sure your flush your rewrite rules (this can be done programatically when the CPT is registered, or you can just go to your Settings > Permalinks option page and click Save Changes to accomplish the same thing one time.