I found this sentence in article about XMI on wikipedia:
At the moment there are several incompatibilities between different modeling tool vendor implementations of XMI, even between interchange of abstract model data.
I wondered how it is possible that, despite using a well-documented standard, tools are not compatible. After looking through documentations of UML and XMI and through other people's questions I found out that there is no XML scheama or DTD for UML models saved as XMI.
According to the best answer to this question -https://stackoverflow.com/a/36885550/9329778 -the correct approach to check if XMI is well formed should be to validate/process it through a conforming UML model.
I also found this in XMI 2.5.1 documentation in section "7.3.2 Model Class Representation":
By default, XMI allows you to serialize features using either XML elements or XML attributes; however, XMI allows you to specify how to serialize them if you wish.
This looks to me like a source of the problem.
My questions are:
Is there an official guide that strictly describes how to save UML model using XMI? I don't mean the UML syntax meatamodel (which can be downloaded from OMG website).
If the answer to the first question is "no" - does it mean that different modeling tools can perform serialization of the same UML model differently even if they use the same version of XMI?
Note: regarding 1: No. You can not take this document and create XMI from a model. It's not written that way. What I did was to create a simple model, export it (from my favorite tool) and see what had been created. Then I tried to import that into another tool (finding to where it fails). Or even export and import in the same tool to find what was missing afterwards.