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Manage models with cloudsql (mysql instance google cloud platform)

I have an app engine project and I want to use MySQL instance (google cloud platform) to store my datas.

I can connect to my instance by using this tuto.

So now I want to know how to create a model like :

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class Visit(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime())
    user_ip = db.Column(db.String(46))

    def __init__(self, timestamp, user_ip):
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.user_ip = user_ip

And add it in my instance, and if I add a field in my model how to update it with my instance.


  • Because the model you’re updating is a SQLAlchemy model, updating the code and running the SQLAlchemy.create_all() method should take care of it You can take a look at an example here.

    This is also a great answer to a similar question. It explains how and when tables are updated by SQLAlchemy.