I am trying to match a variable (a string) to one of my defined tokens in JAVACC. The pseudocode for what I am trying to do is...
String x;
if (x matches <FUNCTIONNAME>) {...}
How would I go about achieving this?
Thank you
Here is one way to do it. Use the STATIC==false
option. The following code should do what you need
public boolean matches( String str, int k ) {
// Precondition: k should be one of the integers
// given a name in XXXConstants
// Postcondition: result is true if and only if str would be lexed by
// the lexer as a single token of kind k possibly
// preceeded and followed by any number of skipped and special tokens.
StringReader sr = new StringReader( str ) ;
SimpleCharStream scs = new SimpleCharStream( sr ) ;
XXXTokenManager lexer = new XXXTokenManager( scs );
boolean matches = false ;
try {
Token a = lexer.getNextToken() ;
Token b = lexer.getNextToken() ;
matches = a.kind == k && b.kind == 0 ; }
catch( Throwable t ) {}
return matches ;
One problem with this is that it will skip tokens declared as SKIP
. E.g. if I use a Java lexer then "/*hello*/\tworld // \n"
will still match JavaParserConstants.ID
. If you don't want this, you need to do two things. First go into the .jj file and convert any SKIP
. Second add checks that there no special tokens were found
matches = a.kind == k && b.kind == 0 && a.specialToken == null && b.specialToken == null ;