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Is it fine to create a separate interface for call back function in MVP pattern

I am trying to create an app by using MVP design pattern. This is the first time i am using this pattern, thats the reason i am little concerned that either i am following the pattern correctly or not.

This is what i have done so far. I am not using Dagger2.


public interface MainActivityMVP {

    interface Model{
        void sendTokenToServer(MainActivityMVP.Presenter presenter);

    interface View{
        boolean isPnTokenRegistered();
        void tokenUpdated();
        void tokenFailedToUpdate();

    interface Presenter{
        void tokenUpdatedSuccessfully();
        void tokenAlreadyExists();
        void detachView();

On MainActivity, I have created an instance of Presenter and Model and pass the Model object to Presenter Constructor


    public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements MainActivityMVP.View {

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            mainPresenter= new MainPresenter(this, new MainModel());

On Presenter I call Model's method to perform operation, and pass presenter reference to it.


    public class MainPresenter implements MainActivityMVP.Presenter{

        MainActivityMVP.View view;
        MainActivityMVP.Model model;

        public MainPresenter(MainActivityMVP.View view, MainActivityMVP.Model model){
            this.view= view;
            this.model= model;

        public void sendFCMTokenToServer() {

       public void tokenUpdatedSuccessfully() {

        public void tokenAlreadyExists() {

In Model, I create instance of PreferenceManager class that gets data from SharedPreference

public class MainModel implements MainActivityMVP.Model {

    PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper;

    public MainModel(){
        preferencesHelper= new PreferencesHelper();

    public void sendTokenToServer(MainActivityMVP.Presenter presenter) {

        if (preferencesHelper.getNotificationSettings().isEmpty()) {
           //do stuff


Now i have these questions.

  • Is the above approach of implementing MVP pattern is fine, or i am missing something here.

  • Is it fine if i add an other interface for call backs, or passing Presenter to model is better approach, as i have seen some example where they pass interactor reference to model.

  • Is it necessary to create Interactor Class in MVP pattern

  • Is it fine, and not against MVP rule if i create a separate interface for Repository,


  • Developers have different varieties of implementing MVP. Few people use interactors. Its is not compulsory to use interactors in MVP. I will suggest you below since you are in a starting stage.

     public interface MainView extends BaseView {
             boolean isPnTokenRegistered();
             void tokenUpdated();
             void tokenFailedToUpdate(); 

    Then have your basepresenter be like this

    public interface BasePresenter<V extends BaseView> {
        void setView(V view);
        void destroyView();
        void destroy();

    Now your MainPresenter

        public class MainPresenter implements BasePresenter<MainView>{
        MainView view;
        PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper;
            preferencesHelper= new PreferencesHelper();
          public void setView(MainView view) {
            this.view = view;
          public void destroyView() {
            this.view = null;
          public void destroy() {
           public void sendFCMTokenToServer() {
                //Do whatever you want

    Finally have your activity like this,

    public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity implements MainView {
            MainPresenter mainPresenter;
            protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                mainPresenter= new MainPresenter();