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Rails SQL "select in" across several columns: where (code1, code2) in (("A", 1), ("A", 3), ("Q", 9))

I have a business requirement to select records based on two fields in one table: code1 and code2. The selection is complex and hard-coded, with no codeable rhyme or reason, and includes about a dozen pairs, out of the hundred pairs that actually exist in the table.

  • C, 1
  • C, 2
  • J, 9
  • Z, 0

Note that there are other "C" codes in the table, such as (C, 3). There is no combined field that captures them both as a value, e.g, "C3".

SQL supports a query like this: Two columns in subquery in where clause e.g.

SELECT * from rejection_codes
  where (code1, code2) in (("A", 1), ("A", 3), ("Q", 9))

Is there a way to do this with Rails and ActiveRecord's ORM, without resorting to raw SQL?

I'm running Rails 4.2.9 with Postgres, if it matters.

* Why Don't You... *

Add a field: I don't have control over the database schema. If I did, I'd add a new column as a flag for this group. Or a computed column that concatenates the values into a string. Or something... But I can't.

Use raw SQL: Yeah...I might do that if I can't do it through the ORM.


  • If you want exactly that structure then you can do things like this:

    pairs = [['A', 1], ['A', 3], ['Q', 9]]
    RejectionCode.where('(code1, code2) in ((?), (?), (?))', *pairs)

    Of course, pairs.length presumably won't always be three so you could say:

    pairs = [['A', 1], ['A', 3], ['Q', 9]]
    placeholders = (%w[(?)] * pairs.length).join(', ')
    RejectionCode.where("(code1, code2) in (#{placeholders})", *pairs)

    Yes, that's using string interpolation to build an SQL snippet but it is perfectly safe in this case because you're building all the strings and you know exactly what's in them. If you put this into a scope then at least the ugliness would be hidden and you could easily cover it with your test suite.

    Alternatively, you could take advantage of some equivalences. An in is a fancy or so these do roughly the same thing:

    c in (x, y, z)
    c = x or c = y or c = z

    and records (even anonymous ones) are compared column by column so these are equivalent:

    (a, b) = (x, y)
    a = x and b = y

    That means that something like this:

    pairs = [['A', 1], ['A', 3], ['Q', 9]]
    and_pair = ->(a) { RejectionCode.where('code1 = ? and code2 = ?', *a) }

    should give you the same result. Or more generally:

    pairs = [['A', 1], ['A', 3], ['Q', 9], ... ]
    and_pair = ->(a) { RejectionCode.where('code1 = ? and code2 = ?', *a) }
    query = pairs[1..-1].inject(and_pair[pairs.first]) { |q, a| q.or(and_pair[a]) }

    Again, you'd want to hide this ugliness in a scope.