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Pull in month value dynamically from another cell using query()

I have two sheets of data, the second sheet is "DATA".

The primary sheet I'm using, I have a =query() to query the other sheet based on a month number. From my research, I found this - - which by itself, does work, but within query(), doesn't work.


1/1/18 2/1/18 3/1/18 4/1/18

Broken function:

=IFERROR(QUERY(DATA!$A:$L, "Select sum(G) WHERE B contains lower('"&$A4&"') AND MONTH(A)+1='"&TEXT(DATEVALUE(C1),"m")&"' label sum(G) ''"),"$0")

Working function:

=IFERROR(QUERY(DATA!$A:$L, "Select sum(G) WHERE B contains lower('"&$A4&"') AND MONTH(A)+1=4 label sum(G) ''"),"$0") that I want it to be dynamic.

When I use


as a function, it renders as a "4" which is what the query() is looking for.


  • What about something like

    =IFERROR(QUERY(DATA!$A:$L, "Select sum(G) WHERE B contains lower('"&$A4&"') AND MONTH(A)+1= "&MONTH(C1)&" label sum(G) ''"),"$0")