so i'm trying to follow this tutorial for Registration :
i’m using WampServer on Windows 10. I did as mentioned.
I created a folder called “/react” under “C:\wamp64\www\react” and put the two .php files there . when i put “localhost/react” in my browser i can see the .php files .
i changed the URL to : ‘http://localhost/react/user_registration.php’
But i’m still getting that error .. i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong here
This happens simply because react-native consider localhost as an URL but it doesn't have a domain :
On Windows =>
Run [Ctrl] + R
Then type : "cmd", press enter
write "ipconfig" then press enter
a list of IP configurations will show, copy the IP address besides "IPv4 Address", it's under "Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network #2:", it starts with
on MAC =>
You will now need to replace the URL with this IP Address
you will have this at the end : ‘’
as you've seen, i have replaced localhost to the ip address taken from the CMD [i.e IPV4 Address]
You can also use only free hosting website like Awardspace, 000Webhost to test your app on a real device. Use your local server or this ip address, you can't fetch the data from real device
Hope this will help you! Franz