The Crashlytics documentation for iOS only mentions custom logging from Swift and Objective-C. It mentions nothing about doing this from C++. On Android, we can use the log()
and set()
functions from the Crashlytics native header to do logging from C++ code called through the JNI. Is there an equivalent method for iOS? Is there any other way to do it?
Yep, I don't think there is a C-function for that but I had the problem some time ago and I used a function pointer. So here it is.
In the C scope (.cpp and .h file)
void yourCFunction(void (*logFunc)(const char*) = NULL);
In the ObjectiveC scope:
CYourCClass *yourCClass = [...];
yourCClass->yourCFunction( [](const char* t){
CLS_LOG(@"%s", t);
To call the log function in C++:
if (logFunc!=NULL) {
std::string debugChr("Some message");
This can be improved using macro and stuff but you have the idea.