Update: I discovered the issue. My use of the term "File" for an object in definitions appeared to be causing this issue. I renamed the object to "FileThing" as a test and swagger-codegen generated the expected model object and module. (Perhaps this is related to https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/issues/3223 ?).
When using swagger-codegen to generate a Python Flask (Connexion) server stub from an OpenAPI v2 specification, I do not see any model objects in the resulting source code. However, other language/API targets such as go-server do generate model objects. I am using swagger-codegen-cli-2.3.1.jar. My specification is very simple at this point and is:
swagger: "2.0"
version: 0.0.1
title: Blah API
description: An API for interacting with the blah system
description: Retrieves information on files that match the specified criteria
- "application/json"
- name: tags
type: array
description: The tags for which matching files are to be returned
in: query
type: string
description: Successful response
type: array
$ref: "#/definitions/File"
type: object
type: "string"
format: "uuid"
type: "string"
type: array
type: "string"
As you can see, I would expect to see a model object created for the File object defined in the definitions section. However, the models package under Source/swagger_server only contains a base_model.py module with no additional definition beyond the base model class itself. I run swagger-codegen-cli as follows:
sknick@sknick:~/Repo/Blah/Server$ java -jar /home/sknick/Misc/swagger-codegen-cli-2.3.1.jar generate -l python-flask -o ./Source -i ./api.yaml
[main] INFO io.swagger.parser.Swagger20Parser - reading from ./api.yaml
[main] WARN io.swagger.codegen.DefaultCodegen - Empty operationId found for path: GET /files. Renamed to auto-generated operationId: filesGET
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.DefaultGenerator - Model File not imported due to import mapping
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/controllers/default_controller.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.DefaultGenerator - File exists. Skipped overwriting /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/test/test_default_controller.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/README.md
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/setup.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/tox.ini
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/test-requirements.txt
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/requirements.txt
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/git_push.sh
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/.gitignore
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/.travis.yml
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/Dockerfile
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/.dockerignore
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/__init__.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/__main__.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/encoder.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/util.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/controllers/__init__.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/models/__init__.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/models/base_model_.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/test/__init__.py
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/swagger_server/swagger/swagger.yaml
[main] INFO io.swagger.codegen.AbstractGenerator - writing file /home/sknick/Repo/Blah/Server/./Source/.swagger-codegen/VERSION
It looks like a bug in the python-flask generator where it does not generate models that match certain Java class names, such as File
, Date
, Set
, etc. The "ignore model" behavior is configured in the DefaultCodegen
class via importMapping
Some generators, such as C#, clear the importMapping
because they don't use Java class mappings:
but python-flask generator does not do this. It should probably clear importMapping
as well, but I'm not a Python/Flask dev so I'm not sure.
I suggest that you open an issue in the Swagger Codegen repository, and/or submit a PR.
In the meantime, some possible workarounds are:
, and use your custom generator.