I try to create a record, with image, directyl with create, and in model
Banner.create( start_at: Time.now, location: 'site', image_fr: File.new("#{Rails.root}/db/seeds/images/banners/pdfs/gift_voucher_bottom.png", 'r'), image_de: File.new("#{Rails.root}/db/seeds/images/banners/pdfs/gift_voucher_bottom.png", 'r'), width: 595, height: nil )
I must do at creation moment, not with .attach after, because of validation. Can we do this ?
You can pass a block to create
. It’ll be called with the new record before it’s saved:
Banner.create(start_at: Time.now, location: 'site', width: 595, height: nil) do |banner|
Rails.root.join('db/seeds/images/banners/pdfs/gift_voucher_bottom.png').open('rb') do |io|
banner.image_fr.attach(io: io, filename: 'banner.png', content_type: 'image/png')
# ...