Suppose N is an arbitrary number represented according to IEEE754 single precision standards. I want to find the most precise possible representation of N/2 again in IEEE754.
I want to find a general algorithm (described in words, I just want the necessary steps and cases to take into account) for obtaining the representation.
My approach is :
Say the number is represented: b0_b1_b2_b3...b_34
.power = 128
we have a special case. If all the bits of the mantissa are equal to 0, we have, depending on b_0
, either minus or plus infinity. We don't change anything. If the mantissa has at least one bit equal to 1 then we have NaN
value. Again we change nothing.e is inside
]-126, 127[then we have a normalized mantissa
m. The new power p can be calculated as
p' = p - 1and belongs in the interval
]-127, 126]. We then calculate
m/2` and we represent it starting from the right and losing any bits that cannot be included in the 23 bits of the mantissa.e = -126
, then in calculating the half of this number we pass in a denormalized mantissa. We represent p = 127
, calculate the half of the mantissa and represent it again starting from the right losing any information that cannot be included.e = -127
we have a denormalized mantissa. As long as m/2
can be represented in the number of bits available in the mantissa without losing information we represent that and keep p = -127
. In any other case we represent the number as a positive or negative 0 depending on b_0
Any steps I have missed, any improvements ( I am sure there are ) that can be made or anything that seems completely wrong?
I implemented a divide by two algorithm in Java and verified it for all 32-bit inputs. I tried to follow your pseudocode, but there were three places where I diverged. First, the infinity/NaN exponent is 128. Second, in case 4 (normal -> normal), there's no need to operate on the fraction. Third, you didn't describe how round half to even works when you do operate on the fraction. LGTM otherwise.
public final class FloatDivision {
public static float divideFloatByTwo(float value) {
int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
int sign = bits >>> 31;
int biased_exponent = (bits >>> 23) & 0xff;
int exponent = biased_exponent - 127;
int fraction = bits & 0x7fffff;
if (exponent == 128) {
// value is NaN or infinity
} else if (exponent == -126) {
// value is normal, but result is subnormal
biased_exponent = 0;
fraction = divideNonNegativeIntByTwo(0x800000 | fraction);
} else if (exponent == -127) {
// value is subnormal or zero
fraction = divideNonNegativeIntByTwo(fraction);
} else {
// value and result are normal
return Float.intBitsToFloat((sign << 31) | (biased_exponent << 23) | fraction);
private static int divideNonNegativeIntByTwo(int value) {
// round half to even
return (value >>> 1) + ((value >>> 1) & value & 1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int bits = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
do {
if (bits % 0x800000 == 0) {
float value = Float.intBitsToFloat(bits);
if (Float.floatToIntBits(divideFloatByTwo(value)) != Float.floatToIntBits(value / 2)) {
} while (++bits != Integer.MIN_VALUE);