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Clojure open a large txt file edit the data and write it to a new file

I'm trying to open a file that is to large to slurp. I want to then edit the file to remove all characters except numbers. Then write the data to a new file.

So far I have
(:require [ :as io])

(:require [clojure.string :as str])

:jvm-opts ["-Xmx2G"]

(with-open [rdr (io/reader "/Myfile.txt")
            wrt (io/writer "/Myfile2.txt")]
  (doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
    (.write wrt (str line "\n"))))    

Which reads and writes but I'm unsure of the best way to go about editing.Any help is much appreciated. I'm very new to the language.


  • Looks like you just need to modify the line value before writing it. If you want to modify a string to remove all non-numeric characters, a regular expression is a pretty easy route. You could make a function to do this:

    (defn numbers-only [s]
      (clojure.string/replace s #"[^\d]" ""))
    (numbers-only "this is 4 words")
    => "4"

    Then use that function in your example:

    (str (numbers-only line) "\n")

    Alternatively, you could map numbers-only over the output of line-seq, and because both map and line-seq are lazy you'll get the same lazy/on-demand behavior:

    (map numbers-only (line-seq rdr))

    And then your doseq would stay the same. I would probably opt for this approach as it keeps your "stream" processing together, and your imperative/side-effect loop is only concerned with writing its inputs.