I'm working with Symfony 3 and I have a little issue for sorting my fields in EntityType. I successfully sorted my choices by the option group_by but the groups are not alphabetically sorted. I have a bunch of object like this. Sorted in groups:
I would like to sort the groups alphabetically. 'Autres,Fun,Vars,Visuel' Instead of this. Is that even possible?
Thanks by advance!
$builder->add('slides' ,
'query_builder'=>function(SlideRepository $er){return $er ->createQueryBuilder('u');},
return $value->getGroupe();
return "Autres";
Thanks Matteo, that was it. Here's the code which made the job:
'query_builder'=>function(SlideRepository $er){
return $er ->createQueryBuilder('u')->orderBy('u.groupe','ASC');}
So, if I use order_by [myField] and then group_by [myField] it will be sorted in groups and alphabetically. Thanks!