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Batch-Script defining Folderpath as Variable

I am trying to write a little Batch-Script which imports a modified file into a specific Firefox Profile Folder.

The Problem is that every Firefox Profilefolder has a differently generated Name (for example: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ab1c2def.default)

Since I wanna make the Script work on multiple PC's , I can't hardcode the path, so I wanna be able to read the last part of the Path and use it as a variable so I can change my path to the desired folder to delete and add files in it.

Here is the code I begun with:

REM turning echo off
@echo off

REM changing directory to \Profiles Folder, behind it is the variable Folder.
cd %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles

REM I wanna read the last Folder into a variable.
set userprofilefolder = Somehow read the folders behind \Profiles

REM now I wanna change my directory into that one folder.
cd %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%userprofilefolder%

REM Here I am deleting the old "prefs.js" file in the Folder.
del prefs.js

REM now I change my Folderpath to where my modified "prefs.js" file lays.
cd path\where\my\prefs.js\file\lies

REM now I copy my fresh prefs.js" file into my Folder.
copy "prefs.js" "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%userprofilefolder%"

REM Here I exit my .bat file.

So how do I do that?


  • REM Turn echo off.
    @echo off
    REM Change directory to Firefox folder, this is where the profiles.ini file exist.
    cd /d "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox" || exit /b 1
    REM Read profiles.ini and call :profiledir with the value of each path key found.
    for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%A in (profiles.ini) do (
        if /i "%%~A" == "path" call :profiledir "%%~B"
    exit /b
    REM Set local environment. Any settings i.e cd will be temporary.
    REM Check if ".default" in path to continue.
    echo "%~1"| find ".default" || exit /b 1
    REM Change to the profile dir.
    cd /d "%~1" || exit /b 1
    REM Copy prefs.js to current dir.
    echo copy /y "path\to\my\prefs.js" "prefs.js"
    exit /b

    The file named profiles.ini contains the paths to the profile folders. The file is in ini format and you can find the path value of each path key.

    You can have many profile folders so I use a find ".default" to continue only if the folder contains that string.


    • If paths are network paths then pushd and popd may need to be used instead of cd.

    Description of operation

    REM Change directory to Firefox folder, this is where the profiles.ini file exist.
    cd /d "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox" || exit /b 1

    This changes current directory. || is run command on right side if left side command failed. If failed, will exit with errorlevel 1.

    Note: Use cd /? and exit /? for syntax help.

    REM Read profiles.ini and call :profiledir with the value of each path key found.
    for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%A in (profiles.ini) do (
        if /i "%%~A" == "path" call :profiledir "%%~B"

    This for loop reads the profiles.ini file. Delimiters set are = which an ini file uses to delimit the key from the value. Token 1 will be the key placed in %%A while the token * will be the value stored in %%B. If the key equals the key named path, then call the label named :profiledir with 1st argument of value of path which should be a path to a profile folder.

    Note: Use for /? and call /? for syntax help.


    This is the called label. A call to a label can pass arguments which makes it convenient for passing something like i.e. a path. Arguments received are in the format of %1, %2 ... %9. The tilde i.e. %~1 removes outer double quotes. Called labels return back to the caller when finished.

    REM Check if ".default" in path to continue.
    echo "%~1"| find ".default" || exit /b 1

    "%~1" is the 1st argument quoted. It is echoed to the find command and if .default is found, then it will continue. The | is known as a pipe where stdout from the echo is passed to the stdin of find.

    Note: Use find /? for syntax help.

    REM Change to the profile dir.
    cd /d "%~1" || exit /b 1

    Same as main code cd except it is set local so only lasts with in the called label.

    REM Copy prefs.js to current dir.
    echo copy /y "path\to\my\prefs.js" "prefs.js"

    The /y argument of copy allows overwrite without confirmation so the del is obsolete.

    Note: Use copy /? for syntax help.

    Finally: Remove the echo in front of the copy command if satisfied that it shows the copy command is OK.