I'm working on a small project in AS3, and I need to make some interface buttons. I had them as separate classes at first, but then realized that it was probably overkill, and on top of that, figured out a way to simplify the event calls by making them buttons and assigning the event dispatches to their parent.
I tried remaking them using the SimpleButton class, but I can't figure out how to give the buttons any sort of design. Every tutorial on the web uses SimpleButton to make only the most bare-bones Actionscript graphics by actually drawing them with the code (why anybody would want to do that is beyond me), and my attempt at assigning a library item to the upState:
_deletebutton = new SimpleButton();
_deletebutton.upState = mc_deleteButtonUp; <--- exists in my library
doesn't do anything.
The Adobe docs say that the various states take DisplayObjects, which mean they take Sprites and MovieClips, so you should be able to do this. Does anyone know how?
+1 weltraumpirat the example in the doc generates the states by code but you can assign whatever displayObject to the different states of the button.
var btn:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
btn.downState = new clipFromLibDown();
btn.overState = new clipFromLibOver();
btn.upState = new clipFromLibUp();
btn.hitTestState = new clipFromLibHit();
btn.useHandCursor = true;
addChild( btn );
assuming you have 4 states called : clipFromLibDown, clipFromLibOver ... in your library, this works