I am studying an application to trigger a PHP script based on new IMAP emails arriving on Gmail. What's the best way to know a new email has arrived on a Gmail IMAP account? I can't think of anything but to configure a cron job. I am running PHP + Nginx on a Linux (Ubuntu) box.
I found out that that's just the way celular companies developers are doing to verify their clients gmail.
Well, start making the connection normaly, then:
$t1=time();//mark time in
$tt=$t1+(60*1);//total time = t1 + n seconds
if(isset($t2)) unset($t2);//clean it at every loop cicle
$t2=time();//mark time
if(imap_num_msg($imap)!=0){//if there is any message (in the inbox)
$mc=imap_check($imap);//messages check
//var_dump($mc); die;//vardump it to see all the data it is possible to get with imap_check() and them customize it for yourself
}else echo 'No new messagens';
sleep(rand(7,13));//Give Google server a breack
if(!@imap_ping($imap)){//if the connection is not up
//start the imap connection the normal way like you did at first
}while($tt>$t2);//if the total time was not achivied yet, get back to the beginning of the loop
And that's it.
By the way, here's some good informations about how IMAP works. My point is that: as IMAP makes possible to mantain virtually a kind of "Live Sync" connection, if you don't want to configure a MTA to receive email (like me), so IMAP is a real option for get "email pusshed" to you.