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What is the difference of Additonal Include Directories and Additional #using Directories?

In Visual Studio (Visual C++)Project setting we able see these settings:

  • Additional Include Directories (/I[path] compiler switch)
  • Additional #using Directories (/AI[path] compiler switch)

I want to know when to use these settings appropriately and what the main differences between these settings and how they affect on visual c++ linker and build time?

Please look at here -Visual Studio Property page


  • #using is for C++/CLI, not for standard C++.

    A directory to search to resolve file references passed to the #using Directive directive.


    // compile with: /clr /LD  
    public ref class A {};  


    // compile with: /clr /LD  
    #using "assembly_A.dll"  
    public ref class B {  
       void Test(A a) {}  
       void Test() {}  

    The option /AI[path] would set a search path where assembly_A.dll is placed.

    More official info: VCCLCompilerTool.AdditionalUsingDirectories Property