Below is code in which each thread must wait for each other thread to complete the rendezvous part and then wait until everyone has completed the critical section.
/* rendezvous code */
I know that two processes can reach the case where both see the same value of count (0 or n may be). Due to this two or more signals may be sent at the same time. How can there be a deadlock in the last test. I don't seem to get this.
This is a turnsile kindof semaphore arrangement and author is actually thinking it is a turnstile, but it's a semaphore and it should work without a deadlock.
Please tell me how is there a deadlock in this code!
I'll try to explain the way I see it.
All threads but the last will come and wait at the first sem.wait(). Once the last thread arrives it will sem.signal() (because count==n) allowing one of the waiting threads(say T1) to continue. Then T1 will in turn do a sem.signal() which will allow another thread to continue. It is something like a chain reaction. Note that the last thread to pass will also do a signal which will make the Semaphore value 1. Now if two threads come and see that the count==0 then will try to do sem.wait(). But since the semaphore value is 1, one thread will not be able to pass, causing deadlock.